Precautions for oral care products are also included (+toothbrush, etc.)

Precautions for oral care products are also included (+toothbrush, etc.)Hello, I’m Kwon Sung Dong Inno Dental Clinic.I brush my teeth three times a day in the morning, afternoon, and night, but I can still suffer from no medicine due to bad breath, cavities, inflammation of my gums.If you are suffering from various oral diseases despite your steady management, it is recommended to make sure that you are familiar with the “brush method” and oral care products and usage methods used as supplements.the right way to brush one’s teethBefore the types of oral care products, we will find out how to brush your teeth if you are basically familiar with them.01. Put the toothpaste entrance on the toothbrush side so that it goes into the toothbrush bristles and squeeze it.02. Brush the outer side of the molar in the direction from the gum. You brush your wrist while turning.03. Brush the inside of your molar by turning your wrist in the direction where the teeth grew from your gums.04. Brush the inner surface of your front teeth by drawing a big cause from inside to outside.05. Brush the surface of the front teeth by turning them in the direction from the gums.06. Brush your upper teeth from top to bottom, and your lower teeth from bottom to top.07. The chewing surface of the molar teeth moves back and forth, brushing it about 10 times.Due to the characteristics of vertically arranged teeth, it is not good to rub the toothbrush across. The roots of the teeth may be exposed and can have a negative effect on the gums, so you should be careful in the direction of wiping them.※ If you are suffering from severe periodontitis, apply the tip of the toothbrush between your teeth and gums in a 45 degree direction, shake it gently from side to side for about 3 seconds, and wipe it off. Since your gums are not feeling well, please think that they will massage your teeth and gums with appropriate strength.Types of oral care products 01. dental flossDental floss is one of the oral care products used to remove food, bacteria, and plaque between teeth that are difficult to remove just by brushing teeth.It’s better to use it if your gums are 100% buried, so you can put a dental floss between your teeth and rub it well. It can be used at least once a day and is recommended for use at the end of the day.It’s not good to be too strong, so please refer to it.Types of oral care products 02. INTERDENTAL BRUSHIt is a suitable oral care product for those with about half of the space between teeth and gums or a large space between teeth.In particular, prosthetic treatments such as implants are more essential, and the size is appropriate enough to feel some pressure during this time.Brush your teeth with appropriate thickness in the small gap between your teeth and sweep between your teeth.Types of oral care products Back toothbrushThe molar brush is also called a tip toothbrush. If the gums have dropped considerably, it is suitable for a case with a large space between the teeth.Sweep between teeth in the form of a toothbrush with few bristles. Of course, people with small teeth can use it without difficulty.A large toothbrush wipes the side of the innermost tooth, which is a difficult part to touch, and brushing additional teeth without washing away toothpaste foam.Types of oral care products 04.Tongue CleanerIt is a product for removing tongue coating and bad breath. Instead, excessive use can lead to bad stimuli.You don’t have to use it every day like dental floss or interdental brush because it can hurt the taste that is responsible for the taste function.In addition, there is an oral washer that cleans between teeth using water flow, and an electric toothbrush that moves the toothbrush head part electrically.Do you know that it is important to be familiar with oral care products and to choose the most basic tool, toothbrush?The bristles of the toothbrush can cover two or three teeth. The tip of the toothbrush should be round, so please change it at least once every three months. If you use the toothbrush bristles broken, dental plaque and plugs may not be removed properly, so please remember.We briefly looked at the correct brushing method to follow and the types of oral care products that help you brush your teeth more refreshingly. At the same time, please have a scaling and regular checkup every six months to check your teeth and gums conditions and make sure that you can take care of any problems.Ino Dental Clinic 2F Lotte Mart, 232 Dongsuwon-ro, Gwonseon-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-doIno Dental Clinic 2F Lotte Mart, 232 Dongsuwon-ro, Gwonseon-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-doIno Dental Clinic 2F Lotte Mart, 232 Dongsuwon-ro, Gwonseon-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-doPrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image

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