22개월 남아, 5개월 여아와 현재 저희 퀸 사이즈 침대 옆에 범퍼침대와 아기침대 사용하고 있어요

“””22 Able 2-month-old boy, 5-month-old girl and currently use a bumper bed and a crib next to our queen size bed!””””I want to guard my older child next to my bed and put an Able bed on him, and I want to give him a K bed, and I want to put an Able bed on my older and younger child so that he can use it for a long time. I’m worried about the size of the room!””Bed advice, please!”Members of two children who are struggling with beds they can relate to, hello ^^ Able (super single) 2 units vs Able + K (large Todler bed) seems to have a good understanding of the use of each bed. In the long run, you will also be well aware that Able+K bed is suitable for two children who have different growth periods due to the economical configuration of two Able units.Second (5 months) For mothers who need to reduce their growth, childcare, and joint labor, there is no product that is as functional as a k-bed.1. The older one wears an Able bed and the younger one wears a K bed. 2. I want to put an Able bed so that the older one and the younger one can use it for a long time. This is the time when mothers need intensive care. I’m worried about falling upside down. As you may know, joints such as hips and knees hurt a lot during infant care. Therefore, cribs have a structure that is convenient for mothers to raise their children. In addition, looking at the ease of changing diapers, the quality of sleep and the economy of couples while using cribs, I agree with your use of the first plan – Able + K Toddler bed.I think the meaning of the second plan-economy is to use it longer than the price difference, but assuming that K-beds can be used for about seven years from now, it is not economical, but there are also many advantages to the safety and convenience of K-beds.a young brother and sister who use two Able beds togetherIt is true that additional devices for preventing falling are needed for infants whose Able design is a dangerous time to fall over. Of course, Able Bed also has a guard, but it means that higher guard attachment/detachment is recommended for 5-month-old babies.I think the final decision should be made after confirming where and how the bed should be arranged.If you use two Able beds, you can wrap a separate bumper around the inner bed to prepare for the infant’s fall,There were also members who temporarily raised the basic guard of the Able bed to prevent falling over.However, there is a special functional option in K bed that Able Bed does not have, so I recommended K bed for the convenience of raising a second child and joint health of the members.Adjust the height of the two beds when pasting them on a married couple’s bed [increase in height]prevent a sleeping baby from falling over a horizontal moving bed [bathguard][Upguard] to prevent the bed from falling upside down by grabbing it *Three functional options are easy to attach and detach to the bed frame.If you don’t take a measure and check it carefully, you won’t be able to check the movement to the bed, the opening and closing of the door of the room, and the use of the storage closet.First of all, continuous use of your family dragonfly (bumper floor) and small cribs needs improvement in many ways. The kids have to sleep in a proper bed anyway, so try to do it as soon as possible and feel the presence of each other who didn’t feel like they were sleeping together ^^Select the necessary guards and use them from infants to adolescents while utilizing removalTwo Able ConfigurationHeight-up function next to the bed for married couples/carrying time fall prevention device (newborn to 7 years old)kk

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